
Analyze materials in their native state!

  • Is your matrix too complex for analysis by standard GCMS with extraction?
  • Is a preferential solvent for your analyte of interest unknown?
  • Are you interested in components that off-gas from your material when heated to your processing temperature (up to 310°C)?

If you’ve answered YES to any of these questions, then Desorption Mass Spectrometry (DMS) is for you!

DMS is able to separate sample constituents by volatility and chromatography and further identify them via mass spectrometry. DMS is the technique of choice for the identification of low level organic, volatile and semi-volatile chemical species through the analysis of samples in their native states.

  • Identification of non-polar polymer additives
  • Higher sensitivity off-gas determination from ambient to 310°C
  • Good vs bad polymer comparison and unknown identification

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