On Friday, January 10, 2014 the FDA issued a final rule, which amends the premarket approval (PMA) regulations. The final rule requires “submission of information on pediatric subpopulations that suffer from the disease or condition that a device is intended to treat”. 1 The final rule also defines “pediatric patients” and “pediatric subpopulations”. Per the final rule, “pediatric patients” is defined as a patient who is 21 years old or younger at the time of treatment or diagnosis. “Pediatric subpopulation” means on for the following populations: neonate, infants, children, or adolescents.
Other applications that are subject to the final rule include:
- Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE)
- Premarket Approval Application (PMA) or supplement to a PMA
- Product Development Protocol (PDP)
The final rule requires the submission of the following:
- readily available information on the pediatric subpopulation(s) the device is intended for
- description of the pediatric subpopulation(s) that suffers from the target disease of condition
- # of affected pediatric patients
How will this final rule help the industry? What potential roadblocks may be ahead? I want to know your thoughts regarding the final rule! Please leave your comments below. For additional information, please visit the Federal Register.
-RSpelich ^_^
1.) FDA and HHS. Medical Devices; Pediatric Uses of Devices; Requirements for Submission of Information on Pediatric Subpopulations That Suffer From a Disease or Condition That a Device Is Intended to Treat, Diagnose, or Cure, Part --- (Final Rule). Federal Register 79;7 (10 Jan. 2014) p.1735. Available at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-01-10/pdf/2014-00267.pdf. Accessed on 14 Jan. 2014.