on 21 November 2022 | By Andrew Tarnaris, M.D. MD (Res) FRCS (NeuroSurg), RQM+ Medical Director
A new opinion (CECP-2022-000222) provided under the Clinical Evaluation Consultation Procedure (CECP) was recently published by the European Commission. Here are some things worth noting, a summary to digest and lessons learnt both for manufacturers and notified bodies alike.
Read Moreon 10 May 2022 | By Andrew Tarnaris, M.D. MD (Res) FRCS (NeuroSurg), RQM+ Medical Director
State of the art (SOTA) is a key element of the technical documentation required for MDR/IVDR certification. As a new requirement for devices in lower-risk classes, many manufacturers are struggling to provide SOTA context that meets notified body expectations. Whether for new...
Read Moreon 19 March 2021 | By Allison Komiyama, Ph.D., RAC, RQM+ Vice President, MedTech Innovations
In December 2021, RQM+ acquired AcKnowledge Regulatory Strategies (AcKnowledge RS), a San Diego-based firm specializing in regulatory affairs consulting for the medical device and IVD industry. The integration of this impressive team enhances the extensive RQM+ network of...
Read Moreon 30 November 2018 | By Allison Komiyama, Ph.D., RAC, RQM+ Vice President, MedTech Innovations
In December 2021, RQM+ acquired AcKnowledge Regulatory Strategies (AcKnowledge RS), a San Diego-based firm specializing in regulatory affairs consulting for the medical device and IVD industry. The integration of this impressive team enhances the extensive RQM+ network of...
Read Moreon 14 September 2018 | By Allison Komiyama, Ph.D., RAC, RQM+ Vice President, MedTech Innovations
In December 2021, RQM+ acquired AcKnowledge Regulatory Strategies (AcKnowledge RS), a San Diego-based firm specializing in regulatory affairs consulting for the medical device and IVD industry. The integration of this impressive team enhances the extensive RQM+ network of...
Read Moreon 7 May 2018 | By Stephen Biernacki
Unlock the secrets to complying with the increased requirements for CERs in May's free R&Q webinar: CERs – Tips, Tricks, and Lessons Learned The session will be on Tuesday, May 22 from 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST. The presentation slides, webinar recording, and Q&A will be made...
Read Moreon 6 March 2017 | By Jake O'Donnell
Medical device manufacturers need to carefully manage several important outward streams of information regarding their products. The regulatory community is generally most familiar with the data stream that relates to obtaining clearance to market devices, which involves...
Read Moreon 16 August 2016 | By Stephen Biernacki
CAPA is often overlooked as an integral component of a quality system. More often than not, the FDA can trace deficiencies in a system directly back to the CAPA system. However, an effective quality system needs more than just a rework of the outcome of the ineffective CAPA...
Read Moreon 13 June 2016 | By Carol Vierling
You've already read a few benefits in the title but let's reiterate: Earn RAC points Enhance your resume/LinkedIn profile Get published, and share your expertise with industry peers in the process These are just three of the several reasons you should consider writing an article...
Read Moreon 10 June 2016 | By Allison Komiyama, Ph.D., RAC, RQM+ Vice President, MedTech Innovations
In December 2021, RQM+ acquired AcKnowledge Regulatory Strategies (AcKnowledge RS), a San Diego-based firm specializing in regulatory affairs consulting for the medical device and IVD industry. The integration of this impressive team enhances the extensive RQM+ network of...
Read Moreon 18 September 2013 | By Ryan Kasun
As you might expect, here at RQS the responsibilities and duties of providing our clients with the support they need often involves traveling for on-site visits. For the time being, most of the travel takes place within the greater metropolitan area of the cities in which we...
Read Moreon 14 June 2013 | By Ryan Kasun
How much time to you spend searching FDA’s website? Looking for predicates, collecting adverse event reports from the MAUDE database, searching for guidance documents, etc. I’m sure I don’t need to dig into the details, you have felt this pain too if you have spent any...
Read Moreon 3 June 2013 | By Ryan Kasun
RQS team members pride ourselves on focusing on customer success, and it is with that in mind that I am honored to announce our most recent 510(K) submission was approved this week! We are proud to obtain clearance, but swell with pride because of how we obtained it.
Read Moreon 29 May 2013 | By Ryan Kasun
The FDA is looking for industry input for the revision of FDA 510(k) Memorandum #K97-1 “Deciding When to Submit a 510(k) for a Change to an Existing Device,” January 10, 1997. This is a critical go-to document for the average Regulatory Engineer, so I have been thinking about...
Read Moreon 16 April 2013 | By Ryan Kasun
Recently I had to get my annual mammogram. They were running behind like doctor’s offices sometimes do - there were seven women in dressing gowns in the waiting room with me. After a few awkward moments, we all started to talk to each other. Every single one of the ladies talked...
Read Moreon 4 March 2013 | By Ryan Kasun
I have a teenager that just passed his Driver’s Test. As he pulls out of our driveway, I see the freedom, the possibilities, the trouble that he could get into. Although a bit poetic and a bit melancholy, it’s also a bit exciting. His father and I cautiously trust him – he’s a...
Read Moreon 7 February 2013 | By Ryan Kasun
The FDA received funding to increase its workforce at the CDRH for 2012 and 2013. They have set aggressive goals to improve the turnaround times for 510K approval. They have instituted programs to retain their employees and to increase the reviewer to manager ratio. My...
Read Moreon 17 December 2012 | By Ryan Kasun
I was going to write about China Labeling this week, but I didn't feel like it!
Read Moreon 13 December 2012 | By Ryan Kasun
I sat down tonight, as I do every night that I write a blog post, and I started reading the prior posts from my colleagues. I had every intention of writing on a different topic tonight, but something struck a chord with me when I looked through the blogs. They all had something...
Read Moreon 29 November 2012 | By Ryan Kasun
When people ask my opinion of the most difficult country to register medical devices internationally, I would have to say it is China. China is considered to be an “emerging market”- it is getting more and more lucrative to register there as the population gets larger and...
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