on 25 April 2013 | By Ryan Kasun
FDA issued a new draft guidance document on biocompatibility on Tuesday April 23, entitled Use of International Standard ISO-10993, Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices Part 1: Evaluation and Testing. It is intended to replace the ODE General Program Memorandum #G95-1. G95-1...
Read Moreon 13 December 2012 | By Ryan Kasun
I sat down tonight, as I do every night that I write a blog post, and I started reading the prior posts from my colleagues. I had every intention of writing on a different topic tonight, but something struck a chord with me when I looked through the blogs. They all had something...
Read Moreon 12 December 2012 | By Ryan Kasun
I’ve been working in regulatory for a company in which biocompatibility of device materials has been pretty straightforward and understood by all for many years. Annex A in ISO 10993-1 and FDA General Program Memorandum - #G95-1 is all you need. Check the chart for our device...
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