■ ■ ■ Are you an Ohio Bioscience Expo & Showcase attendee here to register for the FDA Regulatory 101 Series? ■ ■ ■
The Ohio Bioscience Expo & Showcase and next FDA Regulatory 101 Series event are on July 27th and 28th, respectively. If you're outside of Columbus but in Ohio, you're likely close, and there's no better time for a road trip than the middle of summer! In fact, here are drive times to Columbus, OH from some nearby cities:
Cleveland: 2 hours 9 mins
Cincinnati: 1 hr 41 mins
Toledo: 2 hr 29 mins
Akron: 1 hour 55 mins
Dayton: 1 hour 5 mins
Canton: 2 hours 2 mins
If you can drive to Columbus, OH in a single day, the only thing between you and R&Q on July 27th and 28th is a little open road. Below are all the details you need to know and be sure to save your seat for the FDA Regulatory 101 Series event!
Ohio Bioscience Expo and Showcase
Wednesday, July 27th
Program: 10am - 3pm
R&Q-Sponsored Reception: 3pm (come thirsty!)
BioOhio presents a trade show focused on Ohio-based resources, business and innovation. You'll be able to discover and connect with both established and start-up bioscience companies, suppliers, service providers, and innovators. Meet companies who are moving bioscience technologies and products from concept to market, and the innovators who are on the idea-market path. Everyone - exhibitors and attendees alike - will connect with new customers, find new collaborators and partners, meet colleagues in the industry, and discover companies making cutting edge products and delivering quality services.
Take a look at more information, including the list of free 30-minute workshops.
Where?Villa Milano
1630 Schrock Road
Columbus, OH 43229
(yes, that's really a picture of the actual venue)
Free, though registering is suggested.
What's R&Q Doing Here?
Exhibiting, sponsoring the 3pm reception, and continuing to network with our industry peers and making sure everyone knows waht R&Q's services are so we can help as many companies as possible.
FDA Regulatory 101 Series - Columbus, OH (Incl. Regulatory 201)
Thursday, July 28th
Program: 9am - 1pm (light breakfast and lunch provided)
Part of an ongoing series, each FDA Regulatory 101 session hits a different city, and covers a spotlight topic along with basic regulatory and quality principles. This particular session highlights two unique areas:
- Regulatory 201 (Advanced)
- Former FDA AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Jake O'Donnell
Who should attend?
This event is appropriate for several audiences:
- Small and start-up companies
- Junior regulatory and quality staff
- Medical device development and manufacturing staff
- Seasoned regulatory and quality professionals wishing to brush up on current trends and expectations
505 King Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Here it is from front to back!
8:45 – 9:00
9:00 – 9:05
Program Introduction from John F. Lewis, Jr., President and CEO, BioOhio, Steve Keverline, Director of Ohio Operations, R&Q, and Doug Boyd, Senior Director of Operations, Consumer, Industrial, and Medical Business Line, Battelle
9:05 – 9:30
Regulatory Overview from Nancy Morrison, Director of Regulatory Affairs, R&Q
9:30 – 9:55
Quality System Overview from Theresa Miles, Director of Client Solutions, R&Q
9:55 – 10:20
Design Assurance Overview from Steve Keverline, Director of Ohio Operations, R&Q
10:20 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:55
Product Quality Overview from Steve Keverline, Director of Ohio Operations, R&Q
10:55 – 11:20
Post-Market Overview from Jake O’Donnell, Senior FDA Compliance Principal, R&Q
11:20 – 12:00
Spotlight: Regulatory 201 – A Deeper Dive from Nancy Morrison, Director of Regulatory Affairs, R&Q
12:00 – 12:30
Lunch and Words of Wisdom from Doug Boyd, Senior Director of Operations, Consumer, Industrial, and Medical Business Line, Battelle
12:30 – 1:00
Former FDA AMA: Bring all your questions and scenarios to R&Q’s FDA expert! (Jake O'Donnell, R&Q)
$50 for BioOhio student members
$75 BioOhio members (companies with 10 employees or less)
$125 BioOhio members (companies with 11+ employees)
$250 for non-members
Hopefully these events sound enticing and we encourage you to join us.
So find a buddy, your car, and enjoy the summer!